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April 2022 eNewsletter
issue no. 165


Who We Are:
We are a diverse group of individuals with a passion for nature and the beautiful landscapes in the Crowsnest Pass and surrounding area. We share a strong conservation ethic and a desire to integrate this into the mainstream of our community. We are active in undertaking and supporting programs that preserve, protect and enhance nature and the landscapes we cherish, while ensuring a vibrant growing community. We are a registered charitable organization.

To learn more about Crowsnest Conservation and to support our work, visit our webpage here.
To sign-up for our monthly eNews, click here.

Call for Volunteers!

May 6 & 7 - Crowsnest Chamber of Commerce Lifestyle and Outdoor Adventure Show

This annual event at the Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex usually has about 2,000 people attend. We will be sharing a booth with the Nature Conservancy of Canada. 

The role will include talking with people about their concerns and hopes about conservation in the community, our past and future activities, and distributing Society publications. There will also be membership forms and a donation jar.  

We will be signing up two volunteers for each two-hour shift on Friday May 6 from 3:00 - 9:00 p.m. and Saturday May 7 from 10:00 - 4:00 p.m.  If you are able to help us, please e-mail us at <> or call us at 403-583-5884.


Our long-awaited casino will be held in Lethbridge on May 25-26 and we are looking for people interested in working a shift.

Please think about helping out at this important fundraising opportunity. To sign up, email the CCS at


May 14 and 15th - Track & Sign Evaluation

Event by: Fiera Biological

This 2-day field-based workshop and skills evaluation in Crowsnest Pass is an unparalleled opportunity to learn from one of North America’s top wildlife trackers. This is a rare opportunity because it is only the second event of its kind ever to be held in Alberta. The learning environment that these events create offers benefits to all levels of wildlife track and sign enthusiasts. Limited to 10 participants. Proof of Vaccination required, must be 18 & over.

To register or learn more, visit

Crowsnest Pass News

Alberta keeps decades-old coal policy in place, four advanced projects to continue regulatory procees

Future projects will need to go through public consultation and receive legislative approval.


Important biological area in southern AB now under environmental protection

The Chapel Rock property is a rare habitat for plants and animal life and is now under conservation easement to ensure the land remains in its natural state.


Provincial News


Water runoff forecasts show dry conditions for spring

After an extremely hot and dry year in 2021, deep southern Alberta received a normal amount of snow this winter, but soil moisture was low heading into freeze-up. Alberta Environment predicts challenging soil moisture conditions without wet weather this spring.


Alberta announces more boots on the ground

The Alberta government announced 19 new conservation officers will be deployed across the province to conserve and protect Alberta’s Crown lands.

In the Media



Fugitive coal dust in the wind

Anyone who has experienced the high winds that frequent the Crowsnest Pass can imagine how challenging dust suppression will be in this region.


What has and hasn’t changed for coal mining in Alberta

As the province announces another about-face on coal policy, here are eight things that still haven’t changed when it comes to coal mining in Alberta’s Rockies.—+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f6a05fddb8-ee62454138-108504207





‘Recipe for restoration’ developed for endangered white bark pine trees

Climate change is threatening endangered white bark pine trees, but hope is on the way.


Five timber companies could decide the fate of old-growth forests in B.C.

Despite promises from the provincial government, these ancient forests are still at risk of being logged. Five big timber companies hold the future of nearly half of B.C.’s at-risk old-growth forests in their hands.




Canadian oil and gas isn’t the solution to Europe’s energy problems

Environment Minister, Steven Guilbeault, says Europe should be focusing on renewables instead.—+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f6a05fddb8-3abaecadfd-108504207


Biofilm keeps things cool without using energy

Made of biodegradable, eco-friendly materials, the film scatters sunlight so effectively that it can keep ice cream, and even glacier snow, from melting.


The Canadian oil & gas companies that want to put the brakes on climate financial transparency

Without more transparency, regulators warn Canada’s economy will balloon into a ‘climate bubble’ that may suddenly burst, causing severe economic disruptions.—+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f6a05fddb8-90e56a16af-108504207



New conservation agreement for boreal caribou in northeastern Alberta

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Mikisew Cree First Nation and the Government of Canada signed a conservation agreement to work together to advance the recovery and protection of boreal caribou in northeastern Alberta.


How well do large-landscape conservation strategies work?

Protecting and connecting large landscapes is a key strategy to conserve global biodiversity. There are numerous examples around the globe of these efforts.


‘It’s for our survival’ - Indigenous women lead conservation efforts in Canada

In Canada, Indigenous women are leading the charge to preserve biodiversity and fight climate change by heading up important new conservation initiatives.





Revenues from park pass not going back into K-Country as promised

The provincial government appears to have gone back on a commitment that 100% of the Kananaskis Conservation Pass would be reinvested into the treasurer area.


How Alberta plans to invest K-Country revenue

Alberta introduced the conservation pass on June 1st of last year for users who want to visit K-Country promising user fees generated will be invested back into supporting the area. Now they’ve announced some of the details of how part of the $12M in revenue will be used.



Latest IPCC report describes impact of 1.5-degree warming

A new report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change looks at the impact of global warming of 1.5 degree C and it’s pretty dire.


Why climate solutions will fail without the help of social scientists

A UN report author on why social science holds the key to some of the biggest climate challenges.


Climate stories don’t have to be depressing to be effective

A new study shows how positive stories about characters whose actions match their intentions change the minds of readers.




Ammonia-secreting bacteria bring us closer to a world free of industrial fertilizers

Scientists have engineered bacteria that release ammonia, in quantities high enough to feed rice plants.


State-of-the-art “living” concrete alternative soaks up carbon and heals itself

Its secret is an enzyme found in red blood cells that absorbs C02 from the air and produces calcium carbonate to build and later heal the material.




Why aren’t there polar bears in Antarctica?

The Arctic and Antarctica, while similar habitats in some ways, are home to very different creatures. Both host a variety of seal and whale species, but only the Arctic is home to Earth’s largest bear, the polar bear.


Wanted: grizzly bear conflict manager - grappling with bears not required

If you’re fed up with a mundane desk job, aren’t bothered by austere conditions, and have an affection for the hirsute, a potentially ideal new role has opened up in Montana: a grizzly bear conflict manager.




The wandering wolf

Two decades ago, a research wolf traveled 438 km from Banff down the spine of the Rockies into northwest Montana, where its tracking collar was recently recovered, shedding light on the natural dispersals of wolves as they move between places of protection and peril.


Canada’s wild pigs threaten ‘absolute destruction’ if left unchecked

Wild pigs have been spreading across central Alberta’s prairies and if left unchecked, could soon find themselves in Edmonton’s river valley.



State of water security in Canada: a water-rich nation prepares for the future after seasons of disaster

The climate crisis is becoming a water crisis, and last year was one of the most disastrous years in Canadian history for water-related extreme events.


Watershed alliances launch interactive map showing riparian health

A new website has launched allowing Albertans access to an exciting, interactive map of local riparian areas.


Canadian vs Colorado Rockies: why they’re surprisingly different

The Rockies are one of the world’s most stunning series of ranges but there are many noticeable differences between the American and Canadian Rockies.




Farmers wiped out habitat to reduce disease from wildlife. For birds, their efforts backfired

Mew study finds that birds caught t on California farms with nearby wildlands had less problem bacteria than those at more manicured farms.


Hawk pole partnership aims to help endangered species

Alberta Conservation Association and AltaLink are working together to provide the endangered ferruginous hawk with safe nesting sites in southeast Alberta.


Migration myths, from past to present

Bird migration has perplexed people for centuries. As researchers continue to unravel migration mysteries, some of these myths have long been debunked. Others persist to this day.

Thank you to Raymond Toal and Joni MacFarlane for the use of their images.

Do you take nature, wildlife or other photos that might be suitable for our newsletter? We'd love to see them! If you are intersested in submitting photos for us to use, please email them in jpeg, tiff, or pdf format to
Contact Information - Crowsnest Conservation Society
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 242, Crowsnest Pass, AB, T0K 0E0
Office: 12707-20 Avenue, Crowsnest Pass, AB (403) 583-5884

Facebook - Crowsnest Conservation: Click here.

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Crowsnest Conservation Society, P.O. Box 242, 12707-20 Avenue, Crowsnest Pass, AB, T0K 0E0