April 2022 eNewsletter
issue no. 165 |
Who We Are: We are a diverse group of individuals with a passion for nature and the beautiful landscapes in the Crowsnest Pass and surrounding area. We share a strong conservation ethic and a desire to integrate this into the mainstream of our community. We are active in undertaking and supporting programs that preserve, protect and enhance nature and the landscapes we cherish, while ensuring a vibrant growing community. We are a registered charitable organization.
To learn more about Crowsnest Conservation and to support our work, visit our webpage here.
To sign-up for our monthly eNews, click here. |
Call for Volunteers!
May 6 & 7 - Crowsnest Chamber of Commerce Lifestyle and Outdoor Adventure Show
This annual event at the Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex usually has about 2,000 people attend. We will be sharing a booth with the Nature Conservancy of Canada.
The role will include talking with people about their concerns and hopes about conservation in the community, our past and future activities, and distributing Society publications. There will also be membership forms and a donation jar.
We will be signing up two volunteers for each two-hour shift on Friday May 6 from 3:00 - 9:00 p.m. and Saturday May 7 from 10:00 - 4:00 p.m. If you are able to help us, please e-mail us at <office@crowsnestconservation.ca> or call us at 403-583-5884.
Our long-awaited casino will be held in Lethbridge on May 25-26 and we are looking for people interested in working a shift.
Please think about helping out at this important fundraising opportunity. To sign up, email the CCS at office@crowsnestconservation.ca
May 14 and 15th - Track & Sign Evaluation
Event by: Fiera Biological
This 2-day field-based workshop and skills evaluation in Crowsnest Pass is an unparalleled opportunity to learn from one of North America’s top wildlife trackers. This is a rare opportunity because it is only the second event of its kind ever to be held in Alberta. The learning environment that these events create offers benefits to all levels of wildlife track and sign enthusiasts. Limited to 10 participants. Proof of Vaccination required, must be 18 & over.
To register or learn more, visit https://www.fieraconsulting.ca/workshops/track-sign-evaluation-crowsnest-pass/
Thank you to Raymond Toal and Joni MacFarlane for the use of their images.
Do you take nature, wildlife or other photos that might be suitable for our newsletter? We'd love to see them! If you are intersested in submitting photos for us to use, please email them in jpeg, tiff, or pdf format to office@crowsnestconservation.ca.
Contact Information - Crowsnest Conservation Society
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 242, Crowsnest Pass, AB, T0K 0E0
Office: 12707-20 Avenue, Crowsnest Pass, AB (403) 583-5884
Email: office@crowsnestconservation.ca
Website: www.crowsnestconservation.ca
Facebook - Crowsnest Conservation: Click here.
If you DO NOT want to receive this newsletter in the future, please let us know and we will be sure to take you off our list. |